

  由公民力量主办的第八届族群青年领袖研习营于2013年4月27-30日在台湾的台北市举行,主题为“多元共存,促进 民主转型”。一百多人参加了这个为期4天的活动,其中,超过70人为藏、维、蒙、中国大陆、台湾、香港、澳门、地 下家庭教会和法轮功修炼者的代表。我们今年的特别嘉宾是来自密西根的美国众议员本提沃里奥。本次研习营的代表们 还非常荣幸地收到达赖喇嘛尊者的视频祝辞。





  我们,出席第八届族群青年领袖研习营的代表们,包括汉、蒙、藏、维等民族的人士,包括佛教、基督教、法轮功 、伊斯兰和其他信仰的依循者,包括来自香港、中国大陆、澳门、台湾、印度达兰萨拉藏人行政中央、美国和世界其他 地区的居民,经过真诚、完全开放和友好地交换意见,达成了以下共识,并同意采取以下行动:
  1. 我们非常高兴这届研习营有机会第一次在亚洲、在台湾的台北市举行,并使我们有机会相互学习,特别是向我们投 入台湾民主转型并取得成功的台湾同仁学习。我们在此表达我们对在台湾保存、保护、改善和加强民主价值观和民主进 程以及人权的持续性工作的深切支持。

  2. 我们认为,对民主未来的需求,非常关键地关联着中国大陆、台湾、西藏、南蒙古/内蒙古、东土耳其斯坦/新疆 维吾尔自治区、香港和澳门的人民。实现这种民主的未来,取决于我们是否有能力站在一起,相互支持对方的事业和奋 斗,互相分享我们的经验和学习彼此的失误。

  3. 我们承诺维护人权的普世价值,包括言论自由、信仰自由和法治;我们承诺反对任何形式的种族、宗教和政治歧视 或压迫。我们进一步确认,这些普世价值已成为和平与民主的动力,为全人类提供了最好的希望。

  4. 我们相信,藏人自焚事件的持续发生是中共政权在西藏继续大幅地践踏人权和人民福祉,继续把西藏人民推向绝望 的残酷镇压政策的直接结果。我们呼吁中共政权改变目前的路线,尊重西藏人民的宗教和文化,以敬重和真诚的态度探 讨尊者达赖喇嘛和西藏领导人“中间道路”的建议并付诸行动,同时让尊者回家,从而助于解决这一危机。

  5. 我们对中共政权继续加大对维吾尔人民和南(内)蒙古人民的歧视和压迫,并因此导致汉维之间和汉蒙之间的紧张 与冲突加剧而感到震惊。我们呼吁国际社会和中国之内各族民众关注和支持维吾尔族、蒙古族人民及人权活动家的奋斗 ;我们支持维吾尔、蒙古和其他族裔的人民为争取基本人权、平等、自由和保存自己语言和文化传统的斗争。

  6. 北京当局对香港在政治、经济和社会事务上的干预越来越明目张胆和广泛。它一直在试图收回2017年在香港实现政 府首脑直接普选的承诺,反而正在试图强加一个所谓的“初选”机制,以便在事实上由北京来批准每一位候选人。香港 人民以“占领中环”的示威行动来回应,表达他们对公开和直接选举的渴望,我们与他们站在一起。此外,在过去一年 ,多次发生香港记者在中国内地进行采访时受到暴力攻击的事件,这些攻击事件在国际社会和人权组织中受到的关注甚 微。我们承诺对此类事件多加关注,并采取协调一致的努力,支持这些记者和他们的公开报道新闻的权利。

  7. 目前,澳门特别行政区的行政长官有一个仅由300人组成的选举委员会遴选。由于选举委员会排除了公众,它剥夺 了几乎所有澳门人更换自己政府的政治权利。由于澳门基本法没有排除普选,我们敦促澳门政府将其置为高度优先,力 争在本十年结束前,让所有的澳门居民都享有选举行政长官和选举委员会的权利。

  8. 我们一致同意,中国的民主转型是解决组群间和宗教间冲突的最好方式,而中国民主转型的关键是拥抱普世价值、 尊重人权、实现法治、和法律面前人人平等。我们的民主未来取决于相互支持和援助。为实现这一目标,我们致力于以 下行动:

    • 共同发起一个运动,敦促联合国及其人权理事会审查中国的人权状况,挑战中国重新膺选进入人权理事会的资格, 并鼓励更多的在亚洲的民主国家竞选联合国人权理事会的席位。

    • 积极鼓励在要的民主国家,特别是美国,通过立法,禁止中国的人权迫害责任者入境,冻结他们直接或间接控制的 资产,并寻求对他们法律行动。

    • 要求世界各民主国家和他们的立法机构通过决议、举行听证会、和发表公开声明,明确列举已知姓名的中国政治犯 、良心犯、和被失踪人士,并呼吁释放他们。

    • 再次呼吁中国政府遵守中国宪法和国际人权公约,立即释放所有因为政治或宗教信仰而被中国政府关押在劳教所、 监狱或拘留中心的良心犯。

    • 继续开发、共享、和促进旨在中国大地上实现改革的创新思路与策略,例如“中间道路”的建议,并探讨在民主体 制下各方面都能接受的架构性解决方案。

    • 通过创建一个由全体代表参加的“各族群与宗教团结理事会”,来加强我们不同族群不同信仰间新兴的民主与人权 平台。这个团结委员会,可以在某个特定群体受到中共政权攻击的时候,进行协调沟通和相互提供支持,也可以定期地 就各种思路、策略、中国的民主转型、合作与行动进行对话。

    • 呼吁中国政府允许国际和国内社会对2013年4月23日在东土耳其斯坦/新疆发生的事件进行独立调查。

    • 呼吁国际社会支持香港和澳门人民抵制北京侵犯他们的政治、经济和社会生活,并在各自区域中建立全面民主的斗 争。

    • 开始推动在联合国人权理事会通过决议,建立一个委员会,以调查在中国系统地、普遍地和严重地违反人权的问题 ,其中包括但不限于:西藏自焚事件、对维吾尔和蒙古人民的文化种族灭绝、迫害法轮功学员和其他宗教的成员,以及 其他的反人类罪。

    • 呼吁联合国人权理事会和中国政府,对有关以盈利为目的强行割取死刑犯、被关押的法轮功学员和其他良心犯器官 的暴行的指控,进行全面和公开透明的调查,并起诉这些罪行的任何肇事者。
  我们相信,民主在世界各地的迈进和公民社会在中国的持续发展证明,民主和普遍人权是一个不可逆转的世界范围 的趋势,是世界上所有人民的希望。我们希望,中共政权能够认识到并接受这一历史趋势,并积极启动根本性的民主改 革,终止侵犯人权、宗教迫害、民族歧视、和文化种族灭绝。我们重申,我们将继续努力,促进族群之间和信仰群体之 间的了解和沟通,以追求共同的自由、平等、民主与和平的目标。



8th Interethnic- Interfaith Leadership Conference
Universality Through Diversity: Forging a Democratic Change for All

April 27-April 30, 2013

Taipei, Taiwan

The 8th Interethnic Interfaith Leadership Conference, organized by Initiatives for China/Citizen Power for China, was held in Taipei, Taiwan from April 27th to April 30th. The theme of the 8th conference is Universality Through Diversity: Forging a Democratic Change for All. The four day program is joined by more than one hundred participants, which more than seventy of them are delegates of Tibetans, Uyghurs, Mongolians, Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Underground House Christians, and Falungong Practitioners. Our special guest this year is Congressman Bentivolio from Michigan, United States. The conference delegates were honored to received a video taped remarks of support from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Conference Links:
Conference Overall Agenda
Day I Opening Ceremony Summary/ Conference Report
Day II Conference Report
Day III Conference Report
Day IV Conference Closing Summary
Conference Photo

Declaration of Unity
8th Interethnic Interfaith Leadership Conference

April 27-April 30, 2013

Taipei, Taiwan


We, the delegates to the Eighth Interethnic Interfaith Leadership Conference, who are Chinese, Mongolians, Tibetans and Uyghurs, and who follow the beliefs of Buddhism, Christianity, Falun Gong, Islam and other faiths, and who come from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Macau, Taiwan, the Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamshala, India, the United States and other regions of the world, after a sincere, fully open and friendly exchange of views, have reached the following consensus and agreed to pursue the following actions:
  1. We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to hold this conference in Asia for the first time in the city of Taipei, Taiwan and to have had the chance to learn from each other and especially from our Taiwanese colleagues who have participated in and successfully achieved a democratic transformation in Taiwan. We convey our deepest support for the ongoing work to preserve, protect, improve, and strengthen democratic values and process and human rights in Taiwan.

  2. We hold that the need for a democratic future critically links the peoples of Mainland China, Taiwan, Tibet, Southern Mongolia/Inner Mongolia, East Turkistan /Xin Jiang/Uyghur Autonomous region, Hong Kong, and Macau. Achieving this democratic future depends on our ability to stand together, our mutual support of each other’s cause and struggle, sharing our experience with each other and learning from one another’s mistakes.

  3. We pledge to uphold the universal values of human rights including freedom of expression, freedom of religion and the rule of law, and we pledge to oppose any form of racial, religious and political discrimination or oppression. We further affirm that these universal values have become the driving force for peace and democracy and offer the best hope for all of humanity.

  4. In spite of our hopes for progress this past year, we believe that the ongoing cases of Tibetan self-immolation are the direct result of the Chinese communist regime’s severely oppressive policies that continue to drastically undermine human rights and well being in Tibet and continue to push the Tibetan people to despair. We call on the Communist regime to change its present course, to respect the religion and culture of the Tibetan people, to respectfully explore and act upon the “Middle Way” proposal of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Tibetan leaders and to allow His Holiness to return home to help resolve this crisis.

  5. We are alarmed that the Chinese Communist regime continues to increase the discrimination and repression directed at the Uyghur people and the people of Southern Mongolia, and as a result, conflicts and tensions have intensified between the Chinese government and Uyghurs and between the Chinese and Mongolians. We call upon the international community and peoples inside China to express concern and support for the struggle of the Uyghur and Mongolian peoples and activists, and we support the struggle of Uyghurs, Mongolians, and other ethnic peoples for basic human rights, equality, freedom, and the preservation of their languages and cultural heritage.

  6. Beijing’s interference with political, economic and social affairs in Hong Kong has become increasingly flagrant and comprehensive. It has been trying to take back its promise to prepare for the election of a Hong Kong Governor in 2017 by popular vote. Instead, Beijing is trying to impose a so- called “primary” mechanism, which would in fact require Beijing’s direct approval of each candidate. The people of Hong Kong have responded with the Occupy Central protest, and we stand with them in their desire for an open and direct election process. In addition over the past year, Hong Kong journalists have been violently attacked multiple times in Mainland China while doing interviews. These attacks have received meager attention from the international community including human rights groups. We commit ourselves to pay more attention to such incidents and to generate a concerted effort to support these journalists and their right to openly report the news.

  7. Currently, an Election Committee comprised of only 300 people selects the Chief Executive of Macau SAR. Since the Election Committee excludes the general public, it denies nearly all people of Macau of the political rights to change their government. Since the Basic Law for Macau did not rule out universal suffrage in elections, we urge the Government of Macau to make it a high priority and to strive to enfranchise all Macau citizens for election of the Chief Executive and the Election Committee by the end of this decade.

  8. We unanimously agree that a democratic transformation of China is the best way to resolve interethnic and interfaith conflicts and that the key to China’s democratic transformation is to embrace universal values, respect for human rights, the rule of law, and equal treatment for all under the law. Our democratic future depends upon mutual support and assistance. To achieve this goal, we are committed to the following actions:

    • To jointly launch a campaign to urge the United Nations and its Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to review the human rights situation in China and to challenge China’s eligibility for re-election to the Human Rights Council, and also to encourage more democratic countries in Asia to compete for the seat in the UNHRC

    • To actively encourage the passage of legislation in major democratic countries, particularly in the United States, that will prohibit the entry of individual human rights abusers from China, freeze their directly and indirectly controlled assets, and seek legal actions against them.

    • To ask the democratic countries of the world and their legislatures to pass resolutions, hold hearings, and make public pronouncements that explicitly acknowledge the known names of political prisoners, prisoners of conscience, and people who have disappeared in China and to call for their release.

    • To repeat our call for the Chinese government to abide by the Chinese Constitution and international human rights covenants and to release immediately all prisoners of conscience incarcerated in labor camps, prisons or detention centers by the Chinese government because of political or religious beliefs.

    • To continue to develop, to share, and to promote innovative ideas and strategies for reform on the ground in China such as the “Middle Way” proposal and to explore structural solutions that can be accepted by all sides under a democratic system.

    • To strengthen our emerging interethnic interfaith democratic and human rights platform by creating an “Interethnic/Interfaith Solidarity Council” that consists of all delegates. This Solidarity Council can coordinate communication and provide mutual support when one particular group is under attack by the Chinese Communist regime and can also hold regular dialogue on ideas, strategy, China’s democratic transition, cooperation, and action.

    • To call on the Chinese government to allow for independent investigations, both international and domestic, of the incident that occurred on April 23, 2013 in Eastern Turkistan/Xin Jiang.

    • To call on the international community for support of the people of Hong Kong and Macau in their struggle to resist Beijing’s intrusion into their political, economic and social lives and to build full democracies in these respective regions.

    • To start promoting a resolution in the UN Human Rights Council to establish a commission of inquiry (COI) into China’s systematic, widespread and grave violation of human rights, which include but are not limited to: Tibetan self-immolations, cultural genocide of the Uyghur and Mongolian peoples, persecution of Falun Gong members and members of other religions, and other crimes against humanity.

    • Appeal to the UN Human Rights Council and the Chinese government to conduct a comprehensive and transparent investigation into the alleged atrocities of forcible harvesting of organs from inmates on death row, Falun Gong prisoners, and other prisoners of conscience for profit, and to prosecute appropriately any perpetrators of these crimes.
We believe that the advance of democracy in the world and the ongoing development of China’s civil society prove that democracy and universal human rights are an irreversible world-wide trend and are the hope of all people of the world. We hope that the Chinese Communist regime recognizes and accepts this historic trend and will actively initiate fundamental democratic reform and will end human rights abuses, religious persecution, ethnic discrimination, and cultural genocide. We reaffirm and will continue our own efforts to promote understanding and communication among ethnic and faith groups in order to pursue our common goal of freedom, equality, democracy, and peace.
