– 所有行程和议程是自由选择的,还是由中国当局控制的?
– 调查团是否受到任何形式的审查?
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附1. 英文请愿信原文
Demand for Full Transparency Regarding
WHO’s Recent Trip to China to Investigate Origins of COVID-19
Dear Dr. Vardhan and other distinguished members of the WHO Executive Board:
We, the undersigned, believe that the World Health Organization (hereinafter “WHO”) has an indispensable role to play in the prevention and containment of pandemics like the COVID-19 pandemic currently devastating the world. The WHO’s recent mission to China to investigate the origins of the pandemic is a matter of concern to us all.
However, the WHO’s effectiveness in developing and conveying scientific public health information and recommendations depends on political neutrality and full transparency. As citizens and taxpayers, we maintain that the WHO and other intergovernmental organizations must be fully accountable and completely neutral in their interactions with national governments, no matter how powerful and influential those governments may be. With the health of our citizens under threat, the WHO’s obligations in this regard are quite literally a matter of life and death.
Media reports have raised questions about the degree to which the WHO’s recent mission to China was a depoliticized undertaking committed to objective fact-finding. Many democratic governments, including the new U.S. administration, which is considering reengagement with the WHO, have also expressed concerns about the agency’s independence.
We therefore need, and indeed deserve, objective and complete information about the WHO’s recent investigative trip to China:
· What was the complete and detailed itinerary?
· Were the itinerary and agenda freely determined by WHO investigators, or were they controlled by the Chinese authorities?
· When, where and with whom did the mission members meet, and what information was obtained during these meetings?
· Was the mission subjected to censorship or pressure in any form?
· Based on the above, what conclusions were reached by the mission team?
Providing complete and truthful answers to these questions will do much to encourage public trust in the World Health Organization and your leadership thereof. Thank you for your attention to our concerns.
附2. 请愿信中文译稿
世界卫生组织执行局暨Harsh Vardhan主席:
关于此次世卫组织中国调查之旅在多大程度上是一项客观的、非政治化的任务,受到公众舆论广泛质疑 。许多民主国家政府,包括正在考虑与世卫组织重新接触的美国新政府,也对世卫组织的独立性表示担忧。
– 所有行程和议程是自由选择的,还是由中国当局控制的?
– 调查团是否受到任何形式的审查?