本月20日在奥斯陆自由论坛上,我接受BBC关于香港的采访,后其报道中蕴含我自称我是香港占中智囊的内容,该内容被香港大部分中文媒体翻译、采用和重新编写。当我得知情况后,马上与BBC取得联系,要求澄清,附件是采访我的记者Laura Kuenssberg 给我的澄清说明。正如她在说明中所说,我在采访中没有以任何方式意涵我直接介入香港抗议的组织工作,没有任何有关“智囊”“指导”的表达。BBC网已在此条新闻报道中做了必要修改。
Hi Jianli
I can make clear that you did not suggest in any way in our interview that you have been directly involved in organising the protests in Hong Kong.
What you did tell us is that you have been in contact with the students on a regular basis.
You did not claim that you have been directly involved in organising the demonstrations or providing advice in an official capacity. You did not use the word ‘advising’ about your contacts with them.
Do come back to me if you need anything else.
Please confirm that you have got this
YANG Jianli 杨建利
President, Initiatives for China/Citizen Power for China – 公 民 力 量 义工
Research Fellow, Harvard University – 哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院 研究员
Washington:1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 410, Washington DC 20009
Boston: 658 Washington Street| Brookline,MA 02446
2014/10/24 19:09:42