杨建利 yangjianli001@gmail.com
韩连潮 lianchao@gmail.com
3. 中国共产党的各级机构是社团机构为什么要用纳税人的钱来养?
4. 中国共产党的组织一年花费多少纳税人的钱?
5. 您9.3大阅兵花了纳税人多少钱?2022冬季奥运会将花费多少纳税人的钱?
6. 您是否认为中国的纳税人(公民)有权利知道他们纳的税都是如何花的都到哪里去了?您是否认为中国的纳税人有权利参与决定他们纳的税金如何使用?
7. 您花了巨大的力气、甚至传言您冒着发生政变、丢失性命的风险反腐败,请问您为什么不肯命令中共官员公布家庭财产呢?官员财产公示是世界历史证明最行之有效的反腐手段之一,为何您将要求官员财产公示的公民判罪?
8. 其他有效的反腐机制是言论自由、新闻自由和党派公开竞争上位,假如您真心反腐,为什么不开放这些自由?
9. 您为什么不让公民直接参与您的反腐斗争?为什么有人讲:在当今中国,真正的反腐就是反党(中共)?
10. 您是否认为中共大规模的腐败只是个人灵魂堕落?与专制制度没有关系?在打了一批“大老虎”之后,您怎样确保您新任命的官员不会重蹈覆辙?您是否认为您比江泽民、胡锦涛更多地命令官员不得腐败?除此之外,还有什么不同的地方?
11. 您是否认为中共官员大面积灵魂堕落,是受了西方资产阶级思想的影响?那么您怎样解释完全受西方教育的西方官僚体系中,腐败的程度更低一些?
12. 中国纳税人(公民)是否可以了解您的家族财富?纽约时报对您家族拥有的财富曝光的信息真实吗?您准备对纽约时报采取法律行动吗?
13. 中共十一届六中全会1981年6月27日通过的《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》是否仍然有效?其中彻底否定了文化大革命,称之为十年动乱。您提出不能以后三十年否定前三十年,请问是否包括文革十年?您对文革的看法是怎样的?
14. 中共夺取政权之后,连续发生大饥荒、大动乱和大屠杀,这六十六年来非正常死亡人数是多少?您认为导致这些悲剧的原因是什么?半个多世纪过去了,是否能够公开1960年代初中国因饥荒而非正常死亡的统计数据档桉?
15. 您的父亲和家人,包括您自己,都在文革前和文革中经历了迫害或者打压,这些经历带给您的经验或者教训是什么?
16. 薄熙来被抓捕之后,有人认为您不赞同他在重庆走的唱红打黑路线,但后来发现并非如此。请问薄被判刑仅仅因为腐败吗?您对唱红打黑怎么看?
17. 从您执政后开始施行的央视公开认罪是不是文革遗风?
19. 您当政后有人提出,要全面清除西方文化的影响,特别要抵制西方社会科学和人文学科的基本原则。请问如果不从西方学习引进,难道中国自古以来就有政治学、社会学、经济学这些基本的社会科学领域吗?马克思列宁主义是不是西方的思想?你们如果抵制和取消这些来源于西方的社会科学领域,你们将用什么新东西来取代?还是像毛泽东当年所主张过的,只办“理工科大学”?
20. 您现在仍然依靠胡锦涛和周永康建立的维稳体系,打压维权律师和异议人士。请问您是否认为周永康为中共建立维稳体系立下了重大功劳?
21. 请您详细说明一下,是否您本人提出过“七不讲”?如果是您自己提出,或者经您批准而形成中央决策的,能否详细解释一下为什么要搞“七不讲”(普世价值、新闻自由、公民社会、公民权利、党的历史错误、权贵资产阶级、司法独立)?
22. 70多岁的着名女记者高瑜的文章,泄露了什麽样的国家机密?对国民造成了什麽样的伤害?或者只是使国民知道了该知道的?
23. 刘晓波六篇文章判11年徒刑,您是否认为是因言获罪?刘晓波的刑期到2020年6月22日止,假如那时您还在执政,您会不会让刘晓波完全自由?您觉得刘晓波的政治环境与曼德拉、哈维尔、甘地、马丁路德金的政治环境相比有什么不同?
24. 从7月10日开始,一百多名人权律师和人权活动家同时被抓捕、绑架和骚扰,其中大部分人被释放,少部分仍被拘押。这样的全国行动,通常会有一个统一部署,请问这次是谁负责部署的?您作了什么指示?
25. 在您任内会停止迫害法轮功吗?您如何看法轮功发起的全球起诉江泽民的活动?
26. 在胡锦涛执政期间,根据官方数字,中国维稳的经费超过了国防开支,您当政后的情况还是这样吗?如果不是,是您降低了维稳预算还是增加了国防预算?
27. 您认为六四运动是一场反革命暴乱吗?或者是一场动乱?还是一场政治风波?您是否赞同用坦克和机枪对待和平示威的学生和民众?
28. 您支持令尊习仲勋反对镇压天安门学生运动的立场吗?
29. 假如今天学生再一次到天安门广场示威请愿,您是否会采用26年前中共同样的处理手段?如果不是,您会怎样做呢?
30. 为什么中共政府一直努力地掩盖六四真相?
31. 全世界都知道的“坦克人”,据说名字叫王维林,他的真实身份是什么?现状如何?为什么他失踪了?
32. 你支持或是反对1987年”民主生活会“突然要求胡耀邦辞去总书记职务?您认为软禁赵紫阳至死是合法的吗?
33. 在您上任中共总书记之前,外界传言您将对六四平反,是否存在这种可能?
34. 七十年前日本和德国都宣传爱国主义和民族主义,您在纪念抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争胜利七十周年时,也同样宣传爱国主义和民族主义,并采用了纳粹德国同样形式的阅兵典礼。您是否注意到这其中的雷同?
35. 当年希特勒搞阅兵式,沿街的窗户阳台甚至楼顶,柏林的群众都是可以观看的,怎么你们搞阅兵连这个都不准了?世界从来没有哪个国家领导人阅兵需要股市停市、工厂停工、医院停医、飞机停飞、车辆停行、学校停课、电视停乐,这不是比法西斯还法西斯吗?
36. 您的9.3 大阅兵讲话虽然巧妙地回避了中国抗战和世界反法西斯战争的历史细节,但我们不可能忘记当时中国有国共两党之争,世界上也有自由民主和共产专制之争,两种主义之争不但推迟了反法西斯战争的最后胜利,而且在德意日投降之后,随即引发了国共内战和随后的韩战和越战。您虽然没有像毛泽东那样,公开感谢日本侵华对共产党夺取政权的贡献,但你也回避了国共两党谁真抗日、谁假抗日的历史定位问题。您认为中共在冷战年代扮演了什么样的角色?有没有什么值得反思的地方?
37. 为何不给参加过内战的抗日老兵生活补助?就算照你们说的,他们参加内战是错的,那么,自49年以来,他们杀的杀,关的关,劳改的劳改,管制的管制,而且连累家属子女,长达30年。再大的“过”也早已经超额赎清了,而他们当年抗日之“功”,却从来也没有得到当局的半点肯定。还有起码的公平和人道吗?
38. 您认为为甚麽出席9.3大阅兵的连战在台湾遭到了包括统派人士的唾弃?
39. 为甚麽参与二战反法西斯的大部分国家的领导人没有参加9.3大阅兵?
40. 您认为爱国和爱党(中共)是一回事吗?
41. 在处理周边国家海域纠纷时,国际社会担心您所领导的中国出现军国主义倾向,您怎样看到武力在处理这些纠纷中的作用?
42. 中国的对外宣传说要提升中国的软实力,如果连“普世价值”“新闻自由”和“公民社会”等全球公认的原则都不让讲,那么请问: 除了金元外交之外,您将依靠什么东西来提高中国的软实力,从而让世界各国人民感到佩服,愿意学习?
43. 前中办主任和统战部长令计划已经失去自由,他的弟弟令完成目前避居美国。中国为敦促令完成回国,曾经派出他女儿在内的人员,还试图动用强制手段,有违美国的司法程序。在中美未能达成司法合作协议的情况下,中国动用警察手段,到美国强行抓人,请问您对此行为有什么评论?
44. 美国与俄罗斯,何者更可能成为中国的长期盟友?为什么?
45. 您的官员,包括最高级的官员(现任和退休),在美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、欧洲的美国盟国移民了多少家人?藏匿了多少财产?您掌握真实情况吗?您认为美国等国家掌握这些信息吗?换句话讲,中国领导人及各级官员的家庭人员及其腐败信息都可能掌握在这些国家的手中,在这种情况下,如何与这些国家对抗尤其是军事冲突?能硬得起来吗?说硬话是不是为了蒙蔽国内民众的需要?
46. 中国领导人包括您自己出国访问都会被自己国家的公民围追、堵截、抗议,为甚麽?
47. 您多次强调中国企业和民众需要适应经济停止快速增长的“新常态”,但同时权力机关又强力拉升股市指数,并抓捕分析和报道股市危机的评论人和记者,威胁机构和个人不得“恶意做空”,请问您是否认为这样真的可以救市? “执意做多”为“恶意做空”提供了机会,请问执意拉抬中国股市的决策是您做出的吗?
48. 财经网记者李小璐假如有能力靠他的报道做空中国的股市,你是不是觉得他有能力替代李克强担任中国的总理?
49. 在中共十八大三中全会上,您承诺让市场起主导作用,为甚麽中国政府这只手干预操纵经济越来越明显?
50. 中国银行的呆账坏账是贷给国企的、地方政府的还是贷给民营企业的?
51. 户口制度是不是制度化歧视?农村居民产生一名人民代表的人数是城镇居民的四倍,换句话说就是农村居民的政治权利只是城镇居民的四分之一,这是不是公然的政治歧视?农民工是纳税人,但是为甚麽在城镇不能享受相应的公共服务,孩子不能读公立学校?
52. 在中国的公共服务与税收不相称、社会保障系统这麽薄弱以至于普通民众看不起病、上不起学、养不起老,为甚麽你们政府还说中国是社会主义国家?
53. 作为中共的总书记,您所提的中国梦是在中国实现共产主义吗?
54. 您在俄国说,只有脚知道鞋子合不合适,用以抵制国际社会干预您的政治制度选择,但是您为甚麽不在中国国内讲这番话?这是否以为您害怕人民要选择适合他们自己的制度?
55. 为甚麽不能让藏人、维族人、内蒙古人、香港人告诉您他们的脚适合什麽鞋子并让他们实行真正的自治?
56. 达赖喇嘛在世界范围得到的崇敬,您不会不知道吧?您认为喜欢达赖喇嘛的人都是故意要和中国作对的吗?您是否可以邀请达赖喇嘛朝圣五台山?
57. 维族人为甚麽不可以留鬍子?您刚刚在9.3大阅兵演讲中提到的共产党的鼻祖马克思是一个大鬍子,您怎麽看这件事?
58. 在过去的5年多来,140多位藏人自焚,您认为为甚麽?您那麽信仰马克思或者孔子,假如马克思或者孔子鼓动您自焚,您会做吗?
59. 中共是无神论者,为甚麽要干预藏传佛教的活佛灵通转世?
60. 为甚麽中共浙江省委书记夏宝龙要强拆1500多座教堂和十字架?
61. 您于1984年12月7日在人民日发表第一篇文章,题目就是《中青年干部要“尊老”》,认为新老干部的交接班必须是既合作又交替,“尊老”是合作的前提,合作是交替的基础。前不久人民日报发表文章认为,人走茶凉是人情常态。请问您现在对老同志的看法是怎样的?您是否认为江泽民等老同志是您权力之路上的障碍?邓小平罢黜两人总书记、六四屠杀、九二南巡都是不折不扣的老人干政,为甚麽您不反对?
62. 您是否愿意学习蒋经国,放开党禁报禁,走向宪政民主与法治?还是坚持您夫人所长的歌曲“江山”所蕴含的“打江山坐江山”的观念?有人说你崇拜毛泽东和普京,如果有可能你是否希望成为终身最高领导人?
63. 毛泽东思想与您父亲的言行,何者对你所产生的影响更大?
64. 你毕生最想实现的目标是什么?多项选择题:a.实现权力最大化,在任时不希望遇到任何阻力与挑战; b.顺势而为,全力维持共产党的执政地位与红色江山; c.寻找适当时机实现制度变革,让中国向世界最先进国家看齐,完成民主转型; d.恢复毛时代的精神面貌,在各方面超越毛泽东以及历届中共领导人。
Proposed by Initiatives for China/Citizen Power for China
1.Mr. Xi Jinping, as chief of Party, State and the Military, from where do you get your paycheck? From the Party, or government, or military? Are all the budgets for the Party, Government and the military collected from taxpayers?
2. You have consistently emphasized that the PLA cannot be nationalized, because it belongs to the Party. If so, then why is the army paid by government budget, which come from taxpayers?
3. Why is the Communist Party and its organs at all levels, which are said to be social groups,then still paid by the taxpayers?
4. As a whole, how much does the Communist Party cost to taxpayers?
5. How much of the taxpayers’ money did you spend on the 9/3 military parade? How much will the 2022 Winter Olympics cost taxpayers?
6. DO you believe that the Chinese taxpayers (citizens) have the right to know where their tax money has gone or will be spent? Do you think Chinese taxpayers are entitled to get involved in the decision-making process regarding their tax money?
7. With great stride, you even risk losing life in a potential coup to carry out anti-corruption campaigns. Why then do you order your subordinates of the Communist Party to make public their private family wealth? As world history proves that officials’ announcement of their private wealth is one of the most effective mechanisms to curb corruption, why have you punished citizens demanding such announcement?
8. In addition, freedom of expression, press freedom, and open competition among different political parties for public offices are effective mechanisms in fighting against corruption. So if you are genuine about concerns of anti-corruption, why don’t you let these freedoms flourish?
9. Why don’t you let citizens get involved in your anti-corruption campaigns? Some people comment that in today’s China, anti-corruption is tantamount to anti-the Party(CPC). Is that true?
10. Do you believe that epidemic corruption of the Communist Party comes as a result of individual members’ corruption and degeneration? Do you think their corruption correlates to the authoritarian system?After your taking down an impressive number of “Tigers,” how can you assure that your newly appointed officials will not follow suit and also become corrupted? Do you think you have more orders than your predecessors such as Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao to restrain subordinates themselves from corruption? Except for this, are you any different from those two predecessors?
11. Do you think that such a large-scale number of Communist members of your party are influenced by Western bourgeoisie ideology? How do you explain that in Western governmental systems where they receive total Western education their level of corruption is much less?
12. Can the Chinese taxpayers/citizens learn the facts about your family wealth? Is it true information revealed in the report by the New York Times report about your family wealth? Are you planning to take legal actions against the NYT?
13. Do you still believe in the validity of the “Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party since the Founding of the. People’s Republic of China” on June 27, 1981, in which the Great Cultural Revolution was totally negated and labeled as “A Decade of Turmoil.” Your statement suggests that the first thirty years of history (1949-1979) cannot be used to negate the subsequent thirty years (1979-2009). Does this statement apply to the Cultural Revolution? What’s your view about the Cultural Revolution?
14. After the Communist Party seized power in China, it saw the great famine, great turmoil, and horrific massacre. Do you know the number of abnormal and unexpected deaths that happened in China over the period of 66 years (since 1949)? What do you think are the causes of these tragedies? Over a half century since its occurrence, is it possible to announce the archived data of those deaths during the great famine in early 1960’s?
15. As your family, including your father and yourself, experienced suppression and injustices and persecution both during and before the Cultural Revolution, what kind of lessons have been learned from your experiences?
16. After Bo Xilai was arrested, there were people who believed that you do not agree to his Chongqing Path in the name of Chanting Red Old Melodies and Oppressing the gangsters.But it turned out to be otherwise. Is it only corruption that led Bo Xilai to a disgraceful fall? What is your view on Bo Xilai’s practice of “Chanting and Oppressing”?
17. Since your taking power, China’s central television has aired a series of public confession of the “crimes” by suspects (before they were justifiably defended in court. Is this practice a kind of renaissance of the Cultural Revolution?
18. After taking power, you have established and led a number of so-called “small groups.” Are you worried about making “mistakes” like what Mao Zedong did after consolidating overwhelming power? Do you think your personal power needs some checks? Are there any effective checks in place?
19. After you came to power, there were people who proposed eliminating the influence of Western Culture, particularly the foundation and principles of Western social sciences and humanities. Now if without any importing Western concepts, does China ever produce its own political science, sociology, economics, among other fundamental social sciences? Does Marxism and Leninism belong to Western thoughts and ideology? If you cancel or stop these western social sciences, what kind of new ones do you have to replace them? Are you going to switch back to the Mao-Mode of “high institutions of science and engineering” as Mao himself did?
20. Now we see that you depend on the so-called social stability maintaining a system inherited from Hu Jintao and Zhou Yongkang and suppressing human rights lawyers and other dissidents. Do you believe that Zhou Yongkang has made great contributions to maintaining the Communist system?
21. Can you explain or elaborate on the So-called “7-NOs” that was said of originally your ideas. Were these approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party? Can you explain reasons for pushing the “7-NOs” (including universal values, press freedom, civil society, civil rights, historical mistakes in Communist Party rein, crony capitalism, and judicial independence)?
22. What kind of “state secrets” were leaked in the article by Gao Yu, a famous journalist in her 70’s? What kind of harm did her writing cause to citizens? Or is it a crime if her writing helps Chinese citizens learn what they are entitled to know?
23. Liu Xiaobo has been sentenced to 11 years on the basis of his 6 pieces of writing. Do you think his sentence was based on his legitimate freedom of expression? Liu Xiaobo’s sentence terminates on June 22, 2020. If you ate still in power, will you let him be freed then? In your opinion, what are the differences among the political environment in which Liu Xiaobo, Nelson Mandela, Václav Havel, Mohandas Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. experienced?
24. Since this past July 10, more than 100 human rigths lawyers, and activists have been detained, arrested, disappeared, and harassed. Most were released later, with a small number still in custody. We know such a campaign is conducted under the unified order. Who is responsible for this campaign? What kind of orders have you issued?
25. Are you going to stop suppressing Falungong during your tenure? What is your view on the global movement by Falun Gong to persecute Jiang Zemin?
26. During the Hu Jintao-era, official data shows that China’s expenditure for maintaining social stability surpassed that for national defense. Is it still the same under your administration? If not, have you decreased your expenditures for social maintaining projects or increased national defense budget?
27. Do you think the June 4 movement was a violent anti-revolutionary turmoil? Or was it a civil disorder? Or just a political turmoil? Did you agree that it is acceptable to send tanks and machine guns to suppress peaceful students and civilians?
28. Do you support your father’s position against suppressing students on Tiananmen Square?
29. If there were students coming to Tiananmen Square for peaceful demonstration and protest, are you going to adopt the same measures as the CPC did 26 years ago? If not, what are you going to do?
30. Why has the Communist regime been working hard to cover the truth of the Tiananmen Massacre in June 1989?
31. “Tankman” is well known throughout the world, and is said to be Wang Weilin. What is his real identity? What is his status now? Why has he simply disappeared?
32. Do you support or oppose the abrupt actions in 1987 to remove Hu Yaobang from his position of the Secretary-General of the so-called “Democratic Life Session”?
33. Before your taking over the position of Secretary-General of the Communist Party, rumors spread that you were to reverse the Party decision on 1989 student movement. What is the possibility of that happening?
34. Seventy years ago, both Japan and Germany pushed patriotism and nationalism. As you commemorated the victory of Anti-Japanese War and Anti-Fascism, you similarly emphasized both patriotism and nationalism, on the same platform as the Nazi-German military parade. Have you noticed the inherent identical problems?
35. In the Nazi-era, Hitler allowed his subjects on the street to watch from their balcony and even on roofs of buildings, why have you banned such viewer-rights in Beijing? None of the world leaders has banned everything else to serve their military parade, such as shutdown of stock markets, factories, hospitals, air flights, vehicles, schools, as well as no entertainment on TV, can you image anything more fascist than your behavior?
36. In your speech on September 3 military parade, you shrewdly avoided touching historical details of China’s anti-Japanese war and anti-Fascism. We cannot forget the rivalry between the KMT and Communist party in China at the time, and that between freedom and democracy and authoritarian Communism. It was just these debates of the two ideologies that delayed the final triumph over Fascism. Following surrender of Germany, Italy and Japan, civil war in China broke out between KMT and the Communist party, followed by the Korea War, and Vietnam war. Apparently, you did not follow Mao’s suit to express appreciation of Japanese aggression in China that helped bring the Communist Party to power. You did not define the historic issue of leadership of genuine resistance against Japanese aggression, either by KMT or the Communist Party. What’s your view on the role of the Communist Party of China during the Cold War? Any reflections?
37. How come the KMT veterans who fought against Japanese aggression and Communist forces during the Civil War have never received any benefits to support their lives? Even following your rhetoric that these veterans were wrong in the civil war fighting by against Communist forces, they deserve amnesty based on their 30-year long humiliation, as victims of slaughter, forced labor camps, custody, and family members who suffered from the mistreatment. Given their role in anti-Japanese aggression, these veterans deserve some recognition from the regime, yet none has been offered. How can the regime present the most basic fairness and humanity?
38. What’s your view on the fallout of Lien Chan (Taiwan’s former vice president) when he returned from your military parade to Taiwan where even the pro-reunification allies showed no respect for him
39. How come most of the WWII anti-Fascism allies did not join you for the military parade on September 3?
40. Do you think patriotism and (communist)Party-love are of the same issue?
41. In dealing with maritime disputes with neighboring countries, the international community is concerned about your regime becoming more militaristic. What is your view on the role of armed forces when addressing the disputes?
42. China’s propaganda insists on promoting China’s soft power, however, when universal values, press freedom and civil society, among other principles that are universally acceptable, are prohibited from public discussion in China, then, what can you utilize to present your soft power if not for the opening wallets, and therefore, how can you persuade global community to learn from you, to give you a nod?
43. Ling Jihua, a former senior official and chief of staff in the Communist Party’s headquarters, has been under custody, and his brother Ling Wancheng has fled China, now living in America. Your administration dispatched officers, as well as his daughter, to urge him to return, even coercing him to comply, which is illegal here in the United States. Without any legal agreement between the two governments, China sent its law enforcement officers to try to catch some one in the US. What are your comments
44. USA or Russia—which one is likely to be China’s long-term ally, and why?
45. How many family members of your officials, including most senior-level (sitting and retired) have migrated to the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, and European countries? And what about their ill-gotten wealth? Do you have accurate information about them? Do you think USA and other countries know this information? In other words, China’s senior leadership and their subordinates and family members, along with their records of corruption, are all in the hand of these countries. How can you afford confrontation with them? Not to mention, in military conflicts. Can you bear the consequences? Your hard-line rhetoric seems to fool your domestic audience does it not?
46. China’s leaders, including you, often meet with protests and demonstration by the Chinese citizens wherever such a visit happens. Why is that?
47. You often emphasized the “new norm” for the Chinese business community and ordinary people when the economy slows down. Meanwhile, government forces helped prop up stock prices, and in cracking down on “short-selling” following the market plunge, which had been reported by commentators and journalists, these voices have been silenced with arrests and those investment institutions and individuals threatened against any possible short-selling. Do you think this kind of scheme would work and save the stock markets?
48. Your government have finally found CaiJing journalist Li Xiaolu as a scapegoat for the recent stock market crisis and forced him to confess on CCTV. If Li Xiaolu had the capacity to short-sell the Chinese stocks with his mere reporting, then he is supposed to replace Premier Li Keqiang, given such a potential. What do you think?
49. On the 3rd plenary session of the 18th Party Congress, you promised to let market forces play a leading, even decisive role, how do you explain the government’s hand intervening in economic issues in a more aggressively manner?
50. China’s state banks possess huge bad debts. Are they loans to the state-owned enterprises, local governments, or private businesses?
51. Is Household Registration Law a kind systematic discrimination? One “People’s Deputy” in rural areas represents four times the number of a population than that of the urban areas, i.e., political rights of villagers equals a quarter of those in urban communities. Isn’t that blatant political discrimination? Migrant workers in cities pay their taxes, then why can they be denied any public services, such as their children’s rights to attend local public schools?
52. China’s public services don’t match its tax collection. Thus, its fragile, limited social security cannot support the general mass with affordable healthcare, basic schooling, aging care, yet ironically, your administration still call itself a socialist country. How can this be the case when the country’s citizens cannot be provided these basic, necessary social services?
53. As the Secretary General of the Communist Party of China, do you mean to realize the communism in China when you talk about your “China Dream?”
54. While visiting Russia, you said that only felt tall if the shoes fit, as rhetoric to hinder international community “interference” in the political system on your side. Why didn’t you say this inside China? Does this mean you fear people’s choice of an appropriate system to fit their own needs?
55. Why don’t you let Tibetans, Urghurs, Mongolians, and Hong Kong residents to tell you if their shoes fit their feet, and in doing so, you know well in your heart that they will achieve genuine self-rule in their autonomous regions?
56. You must know that His Holiness the Dalai Lama deserves high regards in global community. Do you think those who respect the Dalai Lama intend to confront China? Will you invite the Dalai Lama to a pilgrimage to Mount Wutai (Wutaishan)?
57. Why can’t the Urghurs keep their beards and whiskers? As you mentioned in your speech on military parade, the Communist ancestor was a man with great beard, so why do you comment on his spectacular beard?
58. In the past 5 years, more than 140 Tibetans have died of self-immolation. What do you know of the reasons? If you really believe in Marxism or Confucius, dare you engage in self-immolation if you are encouraged to do so?
59. The Communists of China claim to be atheists. Then why do you and your government insist in intervening in the reincarnation of a Living Budda in Tibetan Buddhism?
60. Why has the Communist Party chief Xia Baolong of Zhejiang province ordered demolition of more than 1,500 churches and crosses in that province?
61. In your first article published by the People’s Daily on December 7, 1984, entitled ”Young and middle-aged cadres must respect the oldies” you said that the generational exchange of guards in power should be cooperation and replacement. “Respecting the old” is a prerequisite for cooperation, while the latter is the foundation for replacement. In contrast, the People’s Daily recently published a piece saying “cool off” like tea after guests leaving, referring that those officials after retirement should not interfere with the sitting leadership. What’s your current view on the old comrades? Do you think the elders like Jiang Zemin has become a hindrance on your path to power? The late Deng Xiaoping toppled the tenure of two chiefs of the Communist Party, committed the Tiananmen Massacre (the crime of slaughtering innocent people) in June 1989, followed by his “Southern Inspection Tour” in 1992. All these are perfect examples that demonstrate a consistent interference by the elders in China’s politics. Why didn’t you oppose him?
62. Are you willing to follow suit of Chiang Ching-kuo to end a ban of political parties, and open up to freedom of the press, embracing constitutional democracy and the rule of law? Or are you in tune with your wife’s famous song “Dynasty” which echoes the old regime that those founders pass on their dynasties to their offspring, i.e., in your case, RED Siblings like you and those offspring of the first Communist leadership taking control of China under communist rule. Some people say you worship Mao Zedong and Vladimir Putin. If so, do you want to become a lifetime leader
63. If drawing a comparison between Mao Zedong thought and those of your father, which influenced you the most
64. What is your ultimate goal? Multiple choice: A. To achieve ultimate personal power to make sure no obstacle or challenge exists while in power. B. To ride high, and maintain the Communist rule in the hands of red siblings. C. To seek appropriate opportunities to achieve a peaceful political evolution for China to look up to the most advanced countries for democracy. D. To restore the mental outlook of Mao-style leadership, and even surpass Mao himself and your predecessors.