这就是中国的独裁者们害怕他的确切原因,他们如此害怕他的一言一行,如此害怕他留下的精神遗产,他们害怕人们不可避免地将刘晓波的中国梦与习近平的中国梦进行比较;他们害怕人们不可避免地将中共政权比作纳粹政权,因为继1 938年逝世的和平主义者、纳粹反对者卡尔·冯·奥西茨基之后,刘晓波是第一位在监禁中死去的诺贝尔和平奖得主。
Dr. Yang Jianli!!!s Eulogy at ~Remembering The Legacy Of Liu Xiaobo~
Hosted by Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
Monday, July 17th, 2017 at Victims of Communism Memorial Park
Tonight we mourn the tragic passing of Liu Xiaobo, a great loss to the people of China, indeed, to the entire humanity.
Liu Xiaobo was not only the best known freedom and democracy fighter of China, but, in life as well as in death, he represents the best of what China can ever be.
In April 1989, when the Tiananmen democracy movement just broke out, he returned to Beijing from New York and became the most important intellectual leader of the movement. After the Tiananmen Massacre, he shouldered both moral and political responsibilities and continued to fight from inside China while many others left the country and even abandoned the movement. He was in and out prison and spent half of the past 28 years after the Tiananmen Massacre in incarceration. Never wavering in spirit, he shared the sufferings of his compatriots and gave his life for them. He is a martyr and saint.
Yes. Liu Xiaobo is a martyr and saint who possesses a moral authority that his persecutors can only envy. His legacy of love, justice, peace and sacrifice will surely far outlive the deeds of those who persecuted him.
That is exactly why the dictators of China are so afraid of him, so afraid of his words and deeds, and so afraid of his legacy. They are afraid of the inevitable comparison between Liu Xiaobo’s Chinese dream and Xi Jinping’s; they are afraid of the unavoidable likening of the Chinese Communist regime to the Nazis regime because Liu Xiaobo has been the first Nobel Peace Prize winner who died under confinement since Carl von Ossietzky, a German pacifist and an opponent of the Nazis, who died in 1938.
The CCP regime took pains to show the world it was strong and not afraid of Liu Xiaobo, yet its actions suggested otherwise. The CCP regime took pains to show the world that China is rising as a great civilized nation, yet its actions suggested otherwise. No nation that routinely persecutes, tortures and murders its best people can ever be described as strong, as great; no nation that does not allow a man such as Liu Xiaobo to die as a freeman is going to rise as a respected world power. Never.
In death, Liu Xiaobo has overcome the limits of time and space. The dictators of China wanted to burry him, trying make him disappear all together. But these cowards failed to understand that Liu Xiaobo is a seed. Where you burry him, there he grows. He is everywhere and forever.