楊建利  韩连潮就达赖喇嘛转世议题在英文网刊《国会山》(The Hill) 联名发表文章







The Dalai Lama’s succession rests with Tibet, not China

By Yang Jianli & Han Lianchao

02/18/20 07:00 AM EST


There are many things most 85-year-olds cannot do – run, climb mountains, stay awake the whole day long – and no one begrudges them for that. There are things they do well – provide sane advice, take care of the grandchildren – and everyone thanks them for that. However, running circles around the second largest economy in the world is not what most 85-year-olds do, with the exception of Tenzin Gyatso, better known as the 14th Dalai Lama. And everyone except China respects him for that.


Having dealt with all Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping, the Dalai Lama is in the unique position to…





