



《公民议报》 记者  何佳




由公民力量主办的“第十一届族群青年领袖研习营”于2016428日至51日,在印度达兰萨拉成功举办。此次研习营的主题是:“自由  正义 平等 和平——加强实现我们共同梦想的联盟”。




此次研习营的协办单位有:西藏人权民主中心、自由西藏学生运动、藏汉笔会、西藏法律协会、印度社会研究所、兰托斯人权正义基金会、共产主义受难者纪念基金会、世界维吾尔大会、南蒙古人权信息中心、 加拿大Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights、中国民主团结联盟,研习营得到美国国家基金会和台湾民主基金会的赞助。


来自中国大陆、台湾、香港、澳门、印度、美国、加拿大、比利时、德国、日本、澳大利亚、匈牙利的嘉宾、汉、藏、蒙、维、基督徒、法轮功代表和工作人员100余人参与了会议的过程。出席研习营的国际贵宾有:欧洲议会议员Csaba Sogor,美国国际宗教自由委员会主席Katrina Lantos Swett,印度议会议员Mani Shankar Aiyar,美国国会及行政当局中国委员会幕僚长Paul Protic、政策顾问Scott Flipse,共产主义受难者纪念基金会执行长Marion Smith,哈佛大学卡尔人权政策中心主任Sushma Raman,美国2049研究所执行长Mark Stokes,被中国清除出镜的著名法国记者高洁,印度国家甘地博物馆原馆长Varsha Das,印度社会科学研究所所长George Mathew等。发来书面致辞的有美国参议员Marco RubioElisabeth Warren,美国众议院人权委员会主席Jim McGovern, 众议员Chris SmithMichael CapuanoRos-LehtinenThomas MacArthur 加拿大前国会议员、前司法部长Irwin Cotler,台湾立法委员陈学圣和尤美女,以及东盟成员国支持人权国会议员组织、不被代表的人民和国家和世界基督教团结联盟等。

研习营的演讲和研讨议题包括:中国整体政治形势、宗教迫害与宗教自由行动、文化环境的危境及行动、中国民主化与中印关系、面对中国、西藏的欧洲、国际公民社会在推动全球人权进步中的作用、甘地的非暴力思想和实践、文化大革命与民族关系、法轮功特别报告、台湾特别报告、香港特别报告、加强联盟的共同行动方案通过了共同行动决议。研习营出席者拜访了尊者达赖喇嘛、藏人行政中央(西藏流亡政府)及刚刚当选连任的司政洛桑森格、西藏流亡议会及议长边巴才仁等议员,观看了西藏表演艺术学院的演出、参观了大昭寺和历史博物馆。在430日晚宴上,主办单位公民力量给中国的良心犯郭飞雄、胡石根、唐荆陵、 被监禁了30年原良心犯活佛巴登嘉措和加拿大小姐法轮功修炼者林耶凡颁发了第二届公民力量奖。













































Opening Remarks by YANG Jianli


Evelenth InterEthnic/InterFaith Leadership Conference


Dharamsala, India. April 28, 2008


Brothers and Sisters,


Tashi Delek.


What a beautiful day! And even more beautiful people.


I want to thank all of you, especially those who have travelled so far to be here, for attending the 11th InterEthnic/InterFaith Leadership Conference.


This year, our conference theme salutes the real dream of the people. It is: 


“Strengthening Our Alliance to Advance the Peoples’ Dream: Freedom, Justice, Equality and Peace.


As we look forward to realizing that dream, we will also look back at where we have come from and what we have been through. I firmly believe that our resolution of coming together and joining hands, and its impact is a necessary condition to real forward movement in our common cause.


The conferences have been intended to circle the globe and now we have come to India. We chose India, and even Dharamsala,for multiple reasons. Of course, we wish to honor His Holiness the Dalai Lama in his place of residence. Even after 57 years in exile, his spiritual purity shines as a beacon, drawing the attention of the entire world to brutal Chinese repression, in a way that benefits not only Tibetans, but also for all groups denied basic rights in China and neighboring regions.


India is Gandhi’s home. Our first conference began on his birthday in the year of 2000. Back then, I said in the opening speech “ My dear friends, we are meeting in the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi, whose birthday we celebrate today-that we may transcend the differences among us and live in harmony together.” Indeed, Gandhi and his principles and practices of Satyagraha have been one of the most important sources of inspiration for our struggle to realize our dream of freedom, justice, equality and peace. It has long been our wish to gather together in Gandhi’s spirit in India.


While we enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Dharamsala, I think we should thank the Indian people and their government for their unique support for the Tibetan diaspora and for their cause of a free Tibet.


At this conference, we have a rich agenda of interesting panels, important guest speakers, and useful workshops. We will be presenting our second set of Citizen Power Awards to several champions of human rights whose efforts and commitment call for special recognition. And I expect the most engaging part of the Conference, as it has been for the last a few years, will be our session when we have an energetic and candid discussion of what our priorities should be for joint action over the next year.


An equally important aspect of this conference will once again be outside of the formal agenda. It will be the opportunity for each of you to get to know representatives of other ethnic, faith, professional and regional groups, to informally exchange your thoughts and feelings and to deepen the sense of empathy and comradeship that unites us in our shared mission of freedom for all those oppressed by the tyrants of Beijing. So I urge you to take full advantage of the meal times, coffee breaks and social periods at the conclusion of each day!!!s formalities to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood that these Conferences are designed to foster.


Finally, let me briefly address the current state of China, which, I believe poses great challenges for us, but also great opportunities. Xi Jinping!!!s alarmingly escalating repression of human rights on so many fronts has further brutalized people of all faiths, ethnic minorities, human rights advocates, lawyers, writers and artists. His audacity in regressing almost to the horror of the Cultural Revolution has shocked the world!!!s conscience. He has repeatedly violated China!!!s own laws and constitution, making clear that, for him, ~the rule of law~ really means the ~law of the ruler.~


But, at the same time, the CCP faces its own crisis of declining support and legitimacy, as the people increasingly rebel against its heavy-handed rule and it!!!s selfish incompetence. The CCP faces mounting public disgust with government lies, information control, unsafe buildings, infrastructure, food and medicine products, sickening pollution, glaring corruption, and blatantly unjust detentions and prosecutions.  Even more significant, new rounds of public protests and open challenges to the Party and even to Xi Jinping himself, have undermined the dictators!!! legitimacy in the eyes of the peoples represented in this conference – and, indeed, in the eyes of the whole world. 


So now, brothers and sisters, we have an opportunity to stand up stronger, to be more creative and strategic, and to work as never before in our common mission to inform, encourage, and unify the people inside, and to empower freedom fighters around the world.


I believe this assembly will strengthen our alliance and jumpstart the next round of our joint work.


Thank you all.






















