

议报 Anna Chen



2019年元旦,美中(共)建交40周年念日,当年主持建交的美国前总统吉米.卡特在顿邮报题为 “如何修美中关系,避免代冷”(卡特原文:Jimmy Carter: How to repair the U.S.-China relationship — and prevent a modern Cold War



卡特在文中开头说“四十年前,我和中国领导人邓小平将中华人民共和国与美国的外交关系正常化,结束了三十年的敌对。…… 这种关系持续40周年,证明了具有不同历史,文化和政治制度的国家是可以共同协作并带来更大利益的……”,然后他提出对当前两国关系恶化的担忧,并提出了他的建议,但是从头至尾不提两国关系恶化的原因(至于这些原因,美国现任副总统在去年10月4日的哈德逊演讲中均有涉及,请参见  https://www.bannedbook.org/bnews/cbnews/20181005/1007419.html)。 卡特在文章结尾时说“ 1979年,邓小平和我知道我们正在推进和平事业。尽管今天的领导人面临着不同的世界,但和平事业仍然同样重要。领导者必须为新的挑战和机遇带来新的愿景,勇气和聪明才智,但我相信他们也必须接受我们的信念,即美国和中国需要共同为自己和整个人类建立未来。”














Letters to the Editor Opinion

Jimmy Carter is still soft on China


Former president Jimmy Carter is proud of his role in establishing relations with the People’s Republic of China. But, worried about deteriorating relations between China and the United States, he reverted to the submissiveness and moral equivalence that characterized his presidency and put the free world at risk before a totalitarian competitor.

Mr. Carter described the United States and China in neutral terms, as two essentially similar economic superpowers that must find a modus vivendi, ignoring the fundamental differences between the two societies, including China’s devastating human rights abuses and increasingly aggressive militarism. As if to answer the former president, on Wednesday, President Xi Jinping, calling forth Marxist-Leninist historical determinism, said unification with Taiwan was “the great trend of history” and continued: “We make no promise to abandon the use of force, and retain the option of taking all necessary measures.”

Forty years ago, American leaders normalized relations with Communist China in the hope that China would prove a good citizen of the international community, but, sadly, that has proved not to be the case. In this situation, more moral clarity and strategic resolve than Mr. Carter can muster are needed, for the sake of both the Chinese and American people.


Jianli Yang, Washington

The writer, a survivor of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre and political prisoner of China from 2002 to 2007, is founder and president of Citizen Power Initiatives for China.



