


1989年中国各界、体制内外人士数百万人走向街头,占据天安门广场,纪念胡耀邦,反官倒,要求政治改革和民主自由, 但以邓小平为头子的中共死硬派下令镇压,调动20多万军队,在6月3日晚和4日凌晨实施清场行动,杀害了成百上千的手无寸铁的无辜市民和学生, 改变了中共与人民的本质关系,也改变了中国发展的历史轨迹。













详情访问: http://www.tiananmenarchives.org




Tiananmen Archives Project Launched on the 30th Anniversary of the1989 Democracy Movement / Tiananmen Massacre


Citizen Power Initiatives for China (CPIFC)

June 5, 2019


We, CPIFC, are glad to announce that our Tiananmen Archives was launched on June 4, the 30thanniversary of the 1989 Democracy Movement/Tiananmen Massacre. Its Website address is http://www.tiananmenarchives.org


It’s been 30 years since the 1989 Democracy Movement and the Tiananmen Massacre took place, but so far, there has not been an archive that comprehensively and systematically collects and sorts out the relevant documents, materials and testimony evidence that meet the professional criteria for archive establishment and management. A number of victims and witnesses have passed away; many perpetrators have died, or their bad reputation has been rebuilt; and a lot of valuable documentary items have been lost. Therefore, CPIFC’s Archive Project of 1989 Democracy Movement and the Tiananmen Massacre aims to fill this gap, and professionally collect and archive historical documentary items. The primary purposes of this project include:

  1. Create an online archive platform for the 1989 Democracy Movement and the June 4th Tiananmen Massacre;
  2. Collect and archive important historical documents and records about the 1989 Democracy Movement and the June 4th Tiananmen Massacre, and seek the truth of the June 4th Massacre, including accurate information on the victims and perpetrators;
  3. Nominate the documentary heritage to be inscribed on UNESCO’s Memory of the World (MoW), including the audiovisual documents and records of the Tank Man;
  4. Prepare evidence that meets legal requirements for the solution of the June 4th Massacre and the transitional justice.

We believe that the collection and preservation of this heritage has huge historic, cultural, social significance and crucial political value for past, present and future generations. This project will also be critical to the process of transitional justice and national reconciliation, prerequisites for China’s democratic transition. We also believe that China cannot move forward without rectifying the wrongdoing of the Tiananmen Massacre, re-evaluating the 1989 Democracy Movement and holding those responsible accountable.

In addition, we believe this project has a good chance of success. The most comparable cases are the inscription of the Gwangju Uprising on UNESCO’s MoW and the inscription of the South American military governments’ serious violations of human rights archives on UNESCO’s MoW. Once the inscription is successful, it will be the best commemoration for the 1989 Democracy Movement and the Tiananmen Massacre.

Our project team is composed of scholars and experts, archive professionals, human rights activists, IT experts and volunteers who study the 1989 Democracy Movement and June 4th Tiananmen Massacre at home and abroad. The archive platform is scheduled to be accessible online on the eve of the 30th anniversary.

CPIFC welcomes more volunteers to participate in this project and financial support.



