





2019825日晚上,和平示威者在香港大街上撑着雨伞——持续抗争” 的一个象征——进行抗议,而警察正在驱散他们。一名警察曾向空中鸣枪警告,这是警察第一次使用实弹武器威吓抗议人群。


当晚,照片和视频拍摄到了一名手无寸铁的香港示威者,后经确认为42岁的牧师安东尼(Anthony),他出于本能,跳到正在驱散抗议人群的警察面前。 “不要开枪,不要开枪!”他哭着喊道,双手高高举起。之后,当他继续大喊道“不要开枪”时,一名女警察将枪对准了他。








谢谢大会的奖项。有谁会想到,这个普通市民的小故事,能登上这国际大舞台被述说;亦很难想像,一向太平盛世的香港,会经历如斯的撕裂,暴力,不公,悲痛 ;但更令人难以相信置信的,竟然是香港人在反修例事件中,所展现出来,那份不屈不挠的毅力,坚持,实践。香港人确实了不起。愿将所有这些赞美,荣誉, 归于香港每一位公民,感谢大家持之而恒的付出;亦愿将一切荣耀和颂赞,归于赐我勇气,力量的上帝。最后,深愿达成共识,给你我提醒互勉,在 任何的处境,职位上,都应以爱与和平的原则处人,处事。香港人加油。



The 2019 Citizen Power Awardsthe Hong Kong Tank Man

Presenting Script and Acceptance Speech

Oct. 21, 2019Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, USA

Presenting Script by Jianli Yang


On the night of Aug. 25, 2019, on Hong Kong streets, peaceful demonstrators were clutching umbrellas — a symbol of the ongoing resistance movement — and being ordered back by the police. At one point, an officer fired off a warning shot into the air. It was the first time police used weapons with live ammunition to deter the crowds.


Photos and videos captured the image of an unarmed Hong Kong protester, later known to be 42-year old pastor Anthony, who out of natural instinct, jumped in front of the police officers who were drawing their guns on the crowd. “Don’t open fire! Don’t shoot them” he cried, holding both hands high in the air. Later, he faced off with an officer who was pointing her gun at him as he continued yelling, “Don’t open fire”.


The man, reminding the entire world of the iconic “Tank Man” from the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989, has since become a symbol of bravery and loving kindness for the Hong Kong protesters and, indeed, for many around the world.


We believe that Anthony, the Hong Kong Tank Man, best represents the spirit of the people of Hong Kong. It is for his bravery, compassion, and spirit of self-sacrifice embodied in his genuine heroic deed on the night of Aug. 25, 2019, that we respectfully honor him with our 2019 Citizen Power Award.



Acceptance Speech by Anthony 

(Read by Sunny Cheung from IAD,translated by Liping Wang)

Thank you so much for this award. Nobody has ever thought that I, an ordinary citizen, could be recognized on the international stage. It’s hard to imagine that Hong Kong, which has always been peaceful and prosperous, would experience such tears, violence, injustice and grief. It’s also unbelievable that Hong Kong people have shown the indomitable perseverance, persistence, and practice in the anti-extradition bill protests. Hong Kong people are really amazing! I would like to dedicate all the praise and honor of this award to every citizen in Hong Kong and dedicate all glory and praise to the God who gives me courage and strength. Finally, I am more than willing to accept this award as a reminder to all, whatever your situation is, that you should treat people with kindness and act with the principles of love and peace. Go Hong Kong people!




