新闻公告:《大国战疫 号外—一场本来可以避免的大灾难》英文版正式发布






公民力量于今年7月1日推出十万言研究报告《大国战疫 号外—一场本来可以避免的大灾难》(,今天真是发布该报告的英文版 ““Examining China’s Response to the Covid-19 Outbreak (September 2019—January 2020): The Catastrophe That Could Have Been Avoided”。





公民力量的研究报告集中追踪发生在疫情爆发的头两个月,特别是2019年12月底至2020年1月底这最关键的一个月里的事实真相,用翔实的资料和证据—大部分来自中国国内—还原在这段期间每一个重要节点上中国的生物医疗专业机构 (医院、生物研究机构等)、公共卫生监管当局(疾病预、防、控机构,公共卫生行政部门)、公安维稳系统(中央和地方的)、宣传系统(中央和地方的)、对外联络系统(外交、卫健委对外联络单位、海关等)以及中国政府的综合决策机构(中共中央、国务院、中共省委、省政府、中共市委、市政府等)的所作所为,然后拼图进行综合分析和论证,推出结论并提出问题。基于严谨分析和论证,六个综合结论在最后一章即第十五章推出,它们是:









公民力量发起人杨建利博士是该研究项目的总设计人并担任了研究报告的撰写主笔,这个项目的主要参与者和报告的合著者除了公民力量研究团队的成员韩连潮、王德育、杨子立、Calvin Yu、立云和Amy Ma以外,还邀请了两位重量级学者和思想家王维洛、胡平加盟。公民力量对王维洛和胡平先生表示特别的感谢。



Press Release


Research Report:  Top Chinese Leadership Knew About and Suppressed Covid-19 Information


Citizen Power Initiatives for China (CPIFC)

Contact: Daniel Gong

Tel: (240)643-8793




A Washington-based organization promoting democracy and human rights in China is releasing a comprehensive report (

documenting how the global Covid-19 pandemic, which has already killed over 800 thousand people, including more than 176,000 Americans, could have been avoided had the Chinese Communist Party acted in an honest and responsible manner.


In “Examining China’s Response to the Covid-19 Outbreak (September 2019—January 2020): The Catastrophe That Could Have Been Avoided,” Citizen Power Initiatives for China (CPIFC) analyzes how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) responded to the virus, especially in the critical month between December 26, 2019 and January 25, 2020. Based on meticulous analysis of data, much of it directly from sources in China, the report establishes a day-by-day, objective record documenting how Chinese authorities, from the top leadership to local governments, from biomedical institutions to public health administrations, from official media to foreign affairs functionaries, responded to the epidemic.


The report can be accessed at


On July 1, 2020, CPIFC published the report in the Chinese language (


Six key conclusions emerged in the course of this research:

  1. The Covid-19 epidemic could have been stopped in its early state.
  2. The top priority of the Chinese Communist party was to maintain social stability — i.e., its own control — at all cost.
  3. The Chinese Government deliberately suppressed information about the source and extent of the outbreak.
  4. The Chinese Government deliberately downplayed the threat of the epidemic.
  5. The Chinese Government deliberately misled the international community.
  6. Chinese President Xi Jinping bears ultimate responsibility for ineptly handling the epidemic.


The launch of the report coincides with a recent New York Times report about US intelligence findings which, if accurately reported, are inconsistent with facts revealed in CPIFC’s report.  The NYT story (Local Officials in China Hid Coronavirus Dangers From Beijing, U.S. Agencies Find

claims that a new U.S. intelligence report says top officials in Beijing were in the dark in a good part of January on the true dangers of the virus.


“This conclusion is useful to let Xi Jinping off the hook, and reduce pressure on the US and other countries to hold his regime to account.  But it is false,” according to Dr. Jianli Yang, president and founder of CPIFC.


“We believe our independent report can and should serve as a counter- narrative to the organized, global disinformation campaign currently being carried out by the CCP regime, and a key instrument to hold it accountable for the massive toll of death, illness, and economic devastation wrought by Covid-19,” he said.




